LiDAR The Ladder To A Better Tomorrow
Technology has impacted us and just about every known industry. One of the most important tools that are used today is called LiDAR

Technology has impacted us and just about every known industry. One of the most important tools that are used today is called LiDAR, which is the abbreviation for Light Detection and Ranging. This is a super important and beneficial remote sensing tool that is used to map utilities beneath the ground surface. LiDAR uses devices and techs such as a laser, a ground-penetrating radar (GPR), and a unique GPS receiver. There are a variety of ways in which LiDAR can be used and everyone needs to understand the basics so they can utilize this tool for its good.
Future with LiDAR
This can be considered a brief overview of LiDAR and its numerous applications in various fields. It is used by industries and research scientists alike. The LiDAR uses a powerful laser combined with a GPS system and an inertial measurement unit to cut through vegetation and generate accurate information regarding what might be present beneath the surface. LiDAR is the perfect example of how technology is changing multiple industries all at a time. As this very technology continues to improve, the applications of LiDAR are only going to continue to expand with each coming day.
LiDAR has its Pros
- Quickly surveying sections of power lines and pipelines where there are gaps in existing data.
- Surveying sites and sections which cannot be scanned with airborne methods.
- Surveying sites and sections might be difficult to access or hazardous due to steep slopes, natural hazards, or dense vegetation.
- Detect assets that are preferably obstructed by vegetation.
Right of Way (ROW) Vegetation Encroachment
Helicopters have traditionally been used to capture LiDAR data to classify the types of vegetation that are currently encroaching or potentially interfering in the project's short or long-term process.
But indeed helicopters are costly, risky, and really a scarce resource. With the increased demand for regulatory compliance, there will be a greater inclination on the mobile and UAV-based LiDAR for quick, safe, and cost-effective measures to detect vegetation encroachment, especially in urban and highly populated areas.
ROW Modeling
Mobile and UAV LiDAR is used to model and measure the ROW corridors that may be shared or might be adjacent to roadways, railroad tracks, pipelines, waterways, or the electrical lines from other utilities. LiDAR is used to measure and map the distances and verify the boundaries of existing infrastructure or near-future expansion plans.
Measuring Transmission Line (Catenary) Sag
LiDAR is used to measure the line catenary sag of transmission lines which clearly impacts the load that can be carried by the same.
Communication Line Attachment Inventory
The distribution pole space is leased to 3rd party communication service providers such as the internet, cable TV, and telephone companies and is billed by ‘line attachment’ per pole. Periodic surveys are an utmost necessity to verify the attachments and determine the capacity for new services. LiDAR captures the exact distance from attachment points to the ground. The project specs typically include tens of thousands of poles.
Power Pole & Tower/Structure As-builts
Electrical Utilities are required to be accurate as-built drawings of major power poles and tower/structure. The LiDAR mapping provides accurate (x, y, z) GPS location.
Substation modeling & as-builts
Electrical Utilities are required to have accurate as-builts of all substations, switching stations, and other infrastructure which includes component inventories(circuits, transformers, etc.). The LiDAR mapping provides accurate and formidable (x, y, z) GPS location.
LiDAR is a technology of tomorrow and the use of the same is growing with each new day. Having a LiDAR drafting service fully explaining the LiDAR classification can be an eminent step toward success.
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